Secretly obsessing...

We're two days post insemination (2dpiui) and have nothing fun to report (This is probably a good thing seeing that last time we experienced every "symptom" under the sun)

Meg did say she had a few cramps here and there (but only after reading other blogs and really thinking about it) Overall, she is feeling great.

We've been trying to keep busy. We've pretty much managed to schedule something for every day/night of our two week wait.

Today we went to the beach. The ocean was filled with jelly fish. Naturally, I freaked out! I got pounded by giant waves and complained about becoming a human crouton in the seaweed salad. I even wrapped my arms around Meg's belly, so as to float on top of the water and not get pinched by crabs...don't was scary!

As much as I promised that I wouldn't do it, I'm secretly starting to obsess.  I keep asking Meg how she is feeling (secretly hoping she will tell me a "symptom" that I can go research).

I've come to the conclusion that it is impossible to remain immune to the hope and fear that come with the two week wait.


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