It's Conceivable

Meg and I spent the afternoon catching up on episodes of the Real L Word. We wanted to find out if the lesbian couple, Kacy & Cori, got pregnant. Unfortunately, the season ended with their second IUI attempt (talk about a cliff hanger!)

Naturally, I got on the computer and started googling. I was unable to find out any information regarding the couple, but I did not stumble across a really awesome website...

It's Conceivable provides information for the LGBT community about insemination, adoption, and surrogacy. It contains links to lawyers, sperm banks, fertility clinics, and many other resources (I think it's safe to say that they beat me to the Lesbian Pregnancy for Dummies idea!)

 Check it out!


  1. Thought you would like to know that Cori has a blog: I discovered it this week. Sending you and Meg lots of good thoughts and support!!!!

  2. Thanks for the heads up!!! I am definitely going to check it out!!! (though, she and Kacy might hate me because I posted that they stole our mojo. lol


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