This blog is intended for people with a good sense of humor, who appreciate sarcasm, and enjoy watching people get randomly scared. We laugh. We cry. We keep it real.
The big reveal!!!!
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It’s a...GIRL!!! Mackenzie Ryan is expected 3/19/18!
I know it's been a few days since I last blogged, so I just wanted to give you an update... Meg and I have been busy getting ready for the new school year (she came to school with my mom and I and organized my classroom library!!) She's still feeling nauseous and doesn't seem to have much of an appetite. She claims that it's all worth it, so that's a good sign! Friday is our next ultrasound appointment...I think we're supposed to hear the heartbeat, so that's exciting! With only 2-4 weeks left at RMA we're running out of time to find an obgyn. This afternoon I spoke with a receptionist from a doctor's office affiliated with a brand new hospital opening in November. It's only 17 minutes from our house, so it's perfect AND it's located in NJ, so my name can go on the birth certificate at the time of the birth. BONUS! The receptionist was really nice. She told me that there are 6 doctors and 4 midwives in the practice and that they w...
Meg and I took a trip to babiesrus tonight. We went straight to customer service and were greeted by a young (20-something) cashier with pigtails. We explained the situation (we realized we had an obscene amount of 20% off coupons at home and wanted to put them towards our recent transactions) She had to check with the manager...apparently they can only use one coupon at a time. Meg and I waited as the manager tried to override the system. I told Meg she could go to the bathroom (she had expressed the need 5 minutes earlier in the car). She told me that the feeling went away. The cashier chimed in, "If you hold in your pee too long it can actually put you into should probably go." You should have seen Meg's face! She walked away...clearly annoyed. By the time Meg returned, the cashier was almost finished with the price adjustment. She proceeded to ask us if she could ask a juvenile question. I smiled and said, "Yea, ok." She said, "Have you ...
FINALLY!!! It was only a matter of time before we heard some good news... Today, Meg had her 41 week appointment. They took us back to exam room 3...hooked her up to the monitors for a nonstress test. Avery was very active and looked great. Meg even had 3 minor contractions. Unfortunately Meg showed no progress in terms of dilation. Are you ready for the good news??? The doctor said, "It's time." We are scheduled to go to the hospital tonight at 6. There, we will be greeted by one of our favorite doctors. She will give Meg Cervidil to help ripen her cervix (and will hopefully calm Meg's nerves...she's good like that!) Tomorrow morning another doc will come in to check Meg's progress. She will most likely break Meg's water and administer Pitocin. Avery will hopefully be born on May 3rd and follow in the footsteps of her family (Meg-November 3, Uncle Eddie-October 3rd, Grandpop-September 3rd, Cousin Ryleigh-January 3rd) As our dogs play on the fl...
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