
Showing posts from January, 2012

And so it begins...

Tomorrow marks Day 1 of the 14 Days of Valentine's Day . To kick things off, I scattered an entire bag of hershey kisses along the walkway and made a sign that said..."Now that I've kissed the ground you walk on, will you be my valentine?" She loved it...her smile was priceless! Oh, and for all of the smartasses out there, she said "yes!"

27 week photos (better late than never!)

Avery is the weight of a cauliflower! (2 lbs!) Mom and Dad came over this afternoon to help hang Avery's name: It's starting to come together...

23 days later...

It has been 23 days since I last posted and A LOT has changed. I'm not even sure where to begin... First and foremost, I'd like to acknowledge Meg's unforgettable graduation party! Our closest friends and family traveled in an ice/snow storm to celebrate Meg's amazing feat. I couldn't have done it without their help and the help of my best friend and event planner, Trish! Thank you to everyone who helped make it a special day for Meg! On Friday, Meg and I drove in a monsoon to get to our 27 week OB appointment.  Aside from being drenched, everything was great! We met a new doctor and found out that our appointments will now be every 2 weeks! (Scary how close we are getting...87 days!) Also at the OB, Meg finished her glucose test (she said the fruit punch tasted like Kool Aid, so not as bad as everyone hyped it up to be...just really sugary) We have to wait a week for the results, but I'm sure she will be fin...

Countdown to the end of pregnancy brain

Wow! 100 days! The countdown will officially drop into double digits tomorrow...kind of scary! As we near the third trimester, all is well. Meg's belly continues to get bigger by the day. She looks great, but more importantly, she feels great (aside from twinges here and there). Of course, as I'm writing this, she's in downward dog, complaining about leg cramps/aches...probably because she did so much cleaning this weekend!!! (She was busy nesting while I cleaned the house for her graduation party) She'll probably kill me for writing this, but that's never stopped me before...Her pregnancy brain has been taken over by clumsiness. When I went to meet her for lunch, I had to walk over a mess of salt (must've been icy this morning) First thing that came to my mind was..."I hope Meg got into the mall safely!" Seriously...she broke a glass this afternoon (it slipped out of her hand as she was unloading the dishwasher). Less than an hour later, she k...

Anatomy Scan, Veggie Pictures, and First visit to the hospital (25 weeks)

For starters, here are Meg's 24 week photos...people keep telling her she's small or tiny, but I think she looks great! I should mention that it wasn't easy finding corn in January! Today I woke up anxious. I don't know if it was Meg's dream (she had a dream last night that Avery turned out to be a boy) or just nerves about the full anatomy scan. Either way, I was a mess all day and counted down the hours until I could pick Meg up at work (I stayed home...I have bronchitis..yuck). Whether she wants to admit it or not, I think Meg was a little anxious too (her stomach was hurting the entire ride home from her work to my mom's house...she claims it was the frenchbread pizza lol) We picked Mom up around 1:30 and by 1:40 we were at the hospital. It was beautiful. HUGE. New. Confusing. We made our way upstairs to maternal fetal medicine. Meg checked in, only to find out that we had to go back downstairs to register at outpati...

24 week OB appointment and ultrasound drama

Meg and I had our 24 week OB appointment yesterday. I left work 20 minutes early and still almost missed the appointment...who knew that they would take Meg back into the room the minute she set foot in the office?!?! I guess they wanted to get out early seeing that it was a Friday afternoon!!! Fortunately, Meg begged the doctor to wait to listen to Avery's heartbeat until I got there. Avery's heart sounded perfect! (130-140s) The doc measured Meg's uterus (she took a tape measure and measured from the bottom of Meg's belly to the top). She measured 25 cm and said everything looks great...apparently it should coordinate with the amount of weeks you are pregnant (give or take a cm). Pretty cool, right? Our next appointment is February 3rd. In addition to our regular checkup, Meg will take the glucose test...she has to drink this sugary juice in a 5 minute timeframe and then have her blood drawn. Meg didn't really seem phased about it, but the receptionists and nu...